Presentations and Appearances
Our highly acclaimed presentations deal with a range of financial management topics and are designed as workshops, or all day training sessions.
Financial Management Presentations
Because of our unique style and varied backgrounds, Hipereon professionals are frequently sought after and selected as presenters for corporate meetings, trade association conferences, and conventions. Our highly acclaimed presentations deal with a range of financial management topics and are designed as workshops, or all day training sessions. The subject matter is focused on general financial management topics or can be customized to meet the specific needs of the sponsoring entity. A sample listing of presentation topics include:
- Growth The Silent Killer
- Analyzing Financial Statements
- Dealing With Your Banker
- EBITDA – Will The Real Cash Flow Stand Up
- Five Building Blocks of Business Succession
- Four Roads to Improved Profitability
- Four Stages of Business Life
- And Many Additional Topics
Best Practices Development
Hipereon also helps sponsors’ develop and facilitate constituent group “Best Practices Roundtable” presentations and meetings. The objective is to enable the participants to develop operating goals and strategies that emulate high profit profile performance. Prior to group meetings, constituents submit their operating performance information to us so we may analyze the information. Upon completion, the results are compiled into peer group performance reports, which reflect the average performance for all constituents, as well as those generated by the top performers.
Individual participants learn how to compare their actual operating performance against both their group’s overall average performance and the most successful, revenue-producing profile members.